On September 1, 2023, the European Chemicals Administration (ECHA) announced a public review of six potential substances of high concern (SVHCs), of which dibutyl phthalate (DBP) was added to the official list of SVHC as early as October 2008. The second review of this substance was initiated to identify new types of hazards.
The public review will end on October 16, 2023, during which all stakeholders can submit their comments to ECHA. The 5 substances other than dibutyl phthalate (DBP) will be added to the official list of SVHC and become the 30th batch of SVHC substances if reviewed.
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Shenzhen Alpha Commodity Inspection Co., Ltd., as a professional organization engaged in third-party testing and certification services, is a comprehensive third-party technical service organization that integrates testing, inspection, certification, audit, training, appraisal, consulting, and other services, providing one-stop solutions for enterprises worldwide.
Based on our globally experienced professionals and laboratories, relying on professional technical teams, adopting a fully electronic management system, and always adhering to the quality system of ISO17025 testing laboratories as guidance, we have obtained authorization and recognition from foreign institutions. With ALPHA's rich testing and certification experience,
We have successfully obtained multinational certification certificates for over ten thousand customers, including CB, UL, TUV, GS, CCC, E-mark, NCC, KC, CU-TR, RCM, BQB, CE, FCC, ROHS, etc. We can target any of your target regions - to meet your market access needs.