As early as 2014, CPSC proposed a new motion to revise the requirements for phthalates in existing children's toys and child care products. However, the CPSC has not finalized the final rule until the beginning of the year, and the final rule is finalized in October. On October 18, 2017, CPSC held a final voting meeting and adopted a 3 to 2 pass to determine the new requirements for phthalates in children's toys and children's care products.
In view of the toy safety standards are constantly updated and strict, to remind children's toys and children's products manufacturers and export enterprises, pay close attention to regulatory trends, develop appropriate response measures, timely adjustment of product requirements to meet the corresponding regulatory requirements, to avoid notification of recall And the economic losses brought about. Actively seeking new materials, the development of new technologies, the use of new environmentally friendly, safe non-toxic alternative raw materials.