Light of biological safety standards:
IEC/EN 62471 is applicable to all the lights and light systems, including LEDs, incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp, gas discharge lamps, arc lamps, and other light and lamps and lanterns.
- not directional lights on household energy efficiency requirements of eu regulation 244/2009 specified about the content of UV test at the same time be executed according to the IEC/EN 62471 (including energy-saving lamp and incandescent lamp/halogen lamp).
- since the rectifier leds CB certification must include the IEC 62471 and IEC TR 62471-2 light biological safety test execution.
- on the basis of OSM/CTL resolution, LED lamps and lanterns should be carried out in accordance with the IEC/EN 62471.
- LED module about the human eye protection label, refer to the IEC/EN 62471.
- the scope of application: all light and light system (incoherent broadband electric light source, 200-3000 nm)
L - LED lighting products will no longer be covered by the latest IEC60825-1, need according to the IEC62471 evaluation